Five Productive Ways to Use Your Smart Phone

Youth and Smart Phones

As phones become more powerful and intelligent, it is unfortunate that some of their users especially the young generation think that the only use of a smart phone is taking ‘selfies’ and chatting, and perhaps posting ‘not-so-good’ images on social media. During this ‘stay-at-home’ period, one thing that for sure is constantly within the reach of each of us is our phones, most of which are smart-phones. I am very sure that our scientists would not have labored for ages to improve Nokia 2210 had they known that their invention (smart phones) will be so misused and underused.

It is a big insult to these noble men that a device that is as powerful as a computer is not being utilized to improve the life of the owner. That is a technological crime and every country should have that clause in its constitution. The culprit should face a befitting retribution like being denied the opportunity to own such a device. Before I go further kudos to all who use their mobile devices constructively. To the rest of us, below are five productive ways we can use our smart phones.

Reading and Learning:

As the wise say, learning never (or rather should never) stop. Anyone who is breathing should always be ready to learn new things, and what a better way to use our smart phones? When traveling, waiting on a queue or just taking a leisure walk, reading PDFs and manuals can be the best way to engage your mind. For this reason, applications like Kindle allow us to read books and manuals from anywhere. Watching educational videos and motivational speeches online will also improve your life in a better way. So grab your phone, and read as much as you can. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest

Work anytime anywhere:

It’s true that a lot of people let smart phones take over their lives, and yes it may be possible for them to ruin your life, but they don’t have to. I’m not suggesting that everyone should take out their smart phone during the family dinner — that is actually a pretty good example of how smart phones are ruining family life. But if you think about the times you find yourself eating alone, you may not realize just how many minutes out of your week or month you’re wasting just staring at your food, taking a bite at a time. Why not get some work done? You can do things like: Trip planning with Google Maps, Photo editing (am talking about decent photos), Social networking, learning new cultures, learning a new language etc.

Check the weather and plan your day:

The skies (or is it the heavens) can be very unpredictable at times, but this has been made easier to deal with by the smart phone and the many weather apps we have in Google store (for android users). Instead of letting the rain surprise you during the day or the midday sun roast you while working outdoors; you can take a few minutes on your smart phone to check how the weather man thinks the day will be. He might have disappointed you once or twice, but c’mon, you will agree with me that sometimes he does it right. Besides, predicting the will of the sky is never easy, forget about the village rain makers. After getting an idea of what the heavens have in store (in terms of weather), you can now plan your day with some confidence.

Stay healthy:

From tracking the progress of your exercises to checking your pulse rate, knowing your health status has never been so convenient, thanks to smart phones. Today there are apps to measure your heart rate. Back in the day you would hold two fingers to an artery in your neck (boy, locating that artery was a no child’s play), count the heartbeats and time them with a wristwatch. Who uses wristwatches anymore? (Well, we all wear them as ornaments). Never mind that, who does math in their heads anymore? You don’t need a watch or the ability to multiply if you use, for example the Instant Heart Rate App. Simply touch the screen with your finger and the phone’s camera will scan your blood flow to calculate your pulse rate. And do you know that there is an app to record your snores? Well, you need proof that your wife or husband snores? Night Recorder will give you the ammunition you need to settle that argument once and for all. (Just don’t be surprised if you find out you both snore.) Night Recorder works on your iPhone’s standby mode and begins recording when it detects noise.

Read news and stay updated:

Understandably, you might have stopped reading Kenyan local news long time ago when you realized that 99.99% is about politics, and your relationship with politics (since the last general elections when your preferred candidate was ‘rigged out’ and iebc blatantly refused to open the servers), is like that of Kenyan MPs and paying taxes. However, knowing that the elected president and the people’s president shook hands and are now the best of friends; will not break any of your arms. Besides, staying updated on current affairs is one of the scientifically proven ways of keeping your mind active. Fortunately, you don’t have to struggle to know what is happening around you if you have your smart phone. Subscribe to one of the news sites and receive updates. These will keep you occupied during that never ending ride from tao to Githurai, when the traffic is moving slower than a snail. Am sure you remember what they taught us about an idle mind when we were young. You don’t? Well, it is the devil’s workshop.

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